Tuesday, May 5, 2009

I do not purposely space out paragraphs with triple spaces... it just does that and is so annoying.

I'm back.

Holy Moly- I worked four whole days in a row. Can't remeber the last time I did that. It was fun, but I missed my babies... and Josh too.

So I think my husband is damaged. Well, more like a faucet with the hot and cold labels mixed up. I'll elaborate...

Wednesday I go to work and leave a very small list of "please please pretty please attempt to do this while I'm at work" which included things like "bathe the children", "clean up the dishes when you are done" and the doozy... "wipe down the bathroom because we have a 3 year old little boy with terrible aim and this must be done in order to keep a bathroom smelling like soap and perfume and nice things and not PEE"- so I get home from work and husband has shampooed the carpet.

"YAY!! it looks beautiful!! but tomorrow please be sure to wipe down the bathroom."

"oh yeah, I will."

Thursday I come home.

"I bathed the children! AND wiped down the table."

"YAY! they smell delicious! but tomorrow please remember to clean the bathroom? Please Please pretty please?"

"Yeah, sure."

Friday I walk in the door dreaming of sparkling toilets.

"I'm running the cleaning cycle on the oven... that's why its so hot in here. - and I cleaned the microwav"

"Best husband award. I love you! Tomorrow... bathrooms?"

"YES geez!"

Saturday I came home to a beautiful house freshly vacuumed, not a toy in sight, even all the pillows arranged nicely on the couch.

I love my husband and all of his crossed wires. Guess what? I totally got over the bathrooms and cleaned them on Sunday. All glory to God that I let that one go and even got away with only a pinch of frustration and plenty to laugh about.

I probably would have never run the cleaning cycle on the oven or shampooed the carpets (chemdry!) but I would have of course cleaned the bathrooms. So by asking hubs to do something he never did I got twice as much done. BORDERLINE AMAZING.

I wonder what would happen if I asked him to make the bed....? Maybe he'd paint my living room! A girl can dream...

all in all I love the hubs and he can shampoo a mean carpet.

took this on thursday. she loves her daddy.

So, I totally did not expect that story to take five pages to write but it did and anything else that happened in my life will have to wait, with the exception of one update.


a few more...


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